Wednesday, January 17, 2007

3 months... 10 ounces

well, today was the big 15 month check up for the little one. wow- 15 months... let me grasp that one first. didn't i just have her last week? anyways, after briefly saying hello to sily hily and her kids in the waiting room, we were called back to go through the routine. take all of her clothes off, put on a clean diaper, etc. i of course left her socks on bc it is colder than a witches titty outside today... and i didn't want to make her THAT uncomfortable. there's a new nurse today. i ask where the old one is... "she had her baby." WHAT?! was she even pregnant... guess i missed her bump a few months ago and hello next thing i know she's a mommy. ok- i guess i am not so quick on noticing these things. they measure her... 28 inches. ~i know you are all getting out your percentile charts to see where a 15 month old girl at 28 inches ranks.~ ok, let's take her to the weigh thingy and see how much she hates sitting in that cold chair in nothing but her size 2 diaper and cute pair of socks. 17 pounds and 8 ounces. WHAT? did you work that thing correctly? i mean i know you are new here, but are you telling me she only gained 10 ounces in three months. my kids, the one who eats everything in sight?...including the blazin' buffalo and ranch doritos! now, that you all have your charts out, you can pinpoint that my child has STILL not hit the charts in height or weight. so the pediatrician comes in. "e-llo, boot-i-ful baa-be. let me give kisses. oooh-no like strangers?" (she is from brazil and has a strong accent, but we LOVE her!) anyways, she says she is proportionate.... to what? a grasshopper. she is not concerned with her size (although my mom would beg to differ... even though she has seen the kid scarf down some food). well- if she isn't concerned, neither am i. my degree is in education, not pediatrics, so what do i know. moving right along, "today she will get four shots." WHAT? do you guys have fun torturing these small babies? FOUR! i realize i had gestational diabetes and had to prick my finger 4 times a day, but sheez louise! four shots in 1 minute. cut the kid some slack... hell no i don't want to give her the flu shot to make it FIVE! she's already going to look at me like i am some sort of demon raised from the pits of hell holding her little arms and legs down! from here, mothers, you know the drill.... "SCREAM, WAIL, WAHHHHHHH, SCREAM, BWAHHHHHAAAAHHAAAA!" all the way to the car, fasten her in, try not to touch the bandaids, that clearly DO. NOT. HELP! and give her the sticker... what in the crap is a 15 month old to do with a sticker, or the sucker for that matter while i am driving!?! we get home, she crams in some chicken nuggets, sliced pears, water, and motrin (since i gave the tylenol before we went and i don't want to OD the poor kid)... and it's off to lullaby land. good thing she gets a 3 month break before they come racing at her with needles again. any bets on how much she will weigh at 18 months. the pediatrician seems to think that her weight will start to table for a while since they supposedly go through a "no" period including, "no eating." we shall see. oh, and for the record, day 10, 5 teeth and counting.


Silly Hily said...

I really like the doctor! You do her well..."boo-tiful." She said the same thing to Silly Girl and Silly Boy and also did the "No like strangers" with Silly Girl.
Silly Boy weighed in at 22.4 pounds and is 29 inches long.
Your little on (I'm not sure if you use her name or not so I won't) is SOOOO freakin' adorable and gorgeous! And it was nice to meet your husband. Even if is was briefly.

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Sounds alot like my baby's doctor visit. She is 12 months old and weighs 16 pds, 12 ounces and is 29 inches long. 5th percentile and 75th percentile respectively. Her doctor is not concerned either. I worry sometimes but, just like you, I'm not the doctor.