Friday, February 2, 2007

let's dump it all out!

well, today i have a few cute little stories i have been saving up to compile into one blog. the following is a list of things the sweet little toddler has been doing this week.
1. every morning when i take my shower, i find anything in the bathroom to keep her occupied. i have learned that if i do not, i either get a peeping tom watch me throughout the whole process with splashes of water in her face not stopping her, or i get a gentle reminder (ie- scream) to let me know that she is unentertained at the moment. so, even though we have child locks on all of the cabinets and drawers, sometimes it works to my advantage to open a drawer for her playing entertainment, because lord knows that the den full of toys is simply not enough. well, recently i have opted for drawer number two, which i forgot had so many little bags of items organized (you know, hair rubber bands, barrettes, mini set of satin hands, and the infamous q-tips). she has now figured out how to open each bag and sporadically place each item from each bag all over the floor of our bathroom. it is like a maze walking out of the shower, but worth the 10 minutes it takes me to reorganize the drawer on a daily basis.
2. if you think this is the only thing she dumps, let me reassure you it is not. exhibit number two. one of my high school buds generously buys her a gift for every little holiday. well, for christmas he came to my parents bearing a grocery cart loaded with groceries and picnic supplies for both my daughter and my niece... awww how sweet. a single guy that thinks of others at the holidays. thanks a whole heck of a lot! she has now figured out how to load the grocery cart with all sorts of items (not to mention that she has to have the baby placed just right in the front seat of the buggy) and then she proceeds to tump over the cart. she thinks it is hilarious to watch all 973 items go flying across the den, under the couches, etc. we are currently working on putting them back into the buggy after they have been taken out. it is obviously not nearly as fun.
3. did i mention she also likes to take out all of her bibs from the back of the highchair and walk around leaving a trail as she tries to velcro them to her own neck?
4. last story of the day. wednesday, we were getting ready to run a few errands. miss girly girl enjoys finding my hand lotion in my purse and rubbing it on her hands (she also does it with purell). i think it is precious, but realize i will one day have my work cut out as she thinks makeup and smelly lotions are the key life. anyways, the other day she got the lotion and rubbed it in her hands and then decided she needed more... which was fine. this time though, she rubbed it a minute before deciding to rub it through her hair as to spike it up. she was pretending it was hair gel. i thought for a moment, why would she do that, mommy never uses hair gel, but ahhh wait, daddy. daddy uses hair gel to spike his hair. i had to call him to let him know what a great influence he was to her. we still ran our errands, my kid just had a bad hair day that day.
everyday is an adventure here!


Lucky Gem said...

Love the lotion as hair gel!

takinchances said...

She's a punk rock baby!